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- The Mid-States Corridor Project examines the concept of an improved highway connection in southern Indiana.
- The Mid-States Corridor is anticipated to begin at SR 66 near the William H. Natcher Bridge crossing the Ohio River at Rockport, continue generally through the Huntingburg and Jasper area and extend north to connect to Interstate 69.
- The study will include evaluation of improvements to and use of existing facilities and construction of new roadway facilities. A no-build alternative will be evaluated to serve as a baseline for comparison.
- The project will include evaluation of the existing 26-miles of four-lane US 231 from the Natcher Bridge in Spencer County to I-64.
- The study will also evaluate the US 231 corridor through Dubois, Martin and Daviess counties and corridors to the east and west to provide an improved connection to I-69/SR 37.
- The Mid-States Corridor Regional Development Authority (RDA) and Indiana Department of Transportation (INDOT) are conducting the required Tier 1 Environmental Study for the project to determine a preferred corridor.
- The environmental study is required under the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) for large, federally-funded projects.
- The Project Team will analyze and compare the benefits, impacts and costs of a range of reasonable options to identify a preferred corridor for the proposed facility.
- The study will include assessment of the social, economic and environmental impacts of each corridor, along with consideration of ways to avoid, minimize or mitigate those impacts.
- Public involvement is a key part of the process with a number of opportunities for members of the public to learn more about the project and share their feedback.
- A preferred corridor will be identified in the Tier 1 Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS), which will be followed by a formal comment period.
- The DEIS is targeted for late 2020 or early 2021. A Record of Decision (ROD) is expected later in 2021.
- The Record of Decision is the Federal Highway Administration’s final approval of the preferred corridor.
- After the ROD is approved,the required Tier 2 environmental studies can begin and will include more detailed analyses and selection of specific alignments.