Regional Issues Involvement Teams (RIITs)
Regional Issues Involvement Teams Meetings
Four Regional Issues Involvement Teams have been formed in the project study area. These teams consist of key stakeholders representing general regions of the project study area (southcentral, northeast, northcentral and northwest).
Each regional team meets in advance of key project milestones: purpose and need/preliminary alternatives meetings, alternatives screening process meetings, the public hearings and release of the combined FEIS/ROD.
The third round of RIIT meeting were held in April of 2022. Members of all four RIIT groups were invited to attend a morning or afternoon session of the combined groups. A presentation was provided on the Draft Environmental Impact Statement and Recommended Preferred Alternative. Participants asked questions and provided feedback on the presentation content. Summaries are bellow.
The second round of RIIT meetings were held in February 2020. A presentation was provided on the Screening of Alternatives process and outcomes, as well as the next phases of the Tier 1 environmental process. Participants provided input on potential impacts and access considerations to inform the environmental and engineering team members as they develop working alignments for each alternative carried forward for detailed studies. Summaries of each meeting are below.
The first round of RIIT meetings were held in July 2019 and provided an overview of the RIITs, the role of the team members and a general overview of the Mid-States Corridor Project. Participants provided information on the proposed purpose and need, potential impacts and potential preliminary alternatives. Summaries of each meeting are below.